Admission Open

Islamic Studies Course in Mianwali

Module 1: Introduction to Islam

1.1. Overview of Islam

Definition and meaning of Islam
Five pillars of Islam
Basic beliefs in Islam (monotheism, prophethood, resurrection, divine decree)
1.2. History of Islam

Life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Spread of Islam and early Islamic civilization
Major events in Islamic history (caliphates, Islamic empires)
1.3. Sources of Islam

Quran: Revelation and compilation
Hadith: Collection and authentication
Importance of Sunnah in Islamic teachings
Module 2: Islamic Beliefs and Practices

2.1. Islamic Creed (Aqidah)

Articles of faith (belief in Allah, angels, scriptures, prophets, Day of Judgment)
Concept of Tawhid (oneness of Allah) and its implications
2.2. Acts of Worship (Ibadah)

Salah (prayer): Its importance, times, and postures
Zakat (charity): Definition, calculation, and recipients
Sawm (fasting): Ramadan, voluntary fasting, and benefits
Hajj (pilgrimage): Rituals, significance, and spiritual journey
2.3. Moral and Ethical Values

Importance of morality in Islam
Ethics in personal conduct, business, and social interactions
Virtues such as honesty, integrity, and compassion
Module 3: Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh)

3.1. Principles of Fiqh

Sources of Islamic law (Quran, Sunnah, consensus, analogy)
Importance of interpretation (ijtihad) and scholarly consensus (ijma)
3.2. Five Pillars of Islamic Law

Shahada (declaration of faith)
Salah (prayer) and its conditions
Zakat (obligatory charity) and its rules
Sawm (fasting) during Ramadan
Hajj (pilgrimage) and its obligations
3.3. Islamic Family Law

Marriage in Islam: Conditions, rights, and responsibilities
Divorce (Talaq) and its procedures
Rights of spouses, parents, and children in Islam
Module 4: Islamic History and Civilization

4.1. Golden Age of Islam

Contributions of Muslim scholars in science, mathematics, medicine, and philosophy
Islamic art, architecture, and literature during the Abbasid and Umayyad periods
Preservation and translation of ancient knowledge in Islamic civilizations
4.2. Islamic Governance

Caliphate system: Rashidun, Umayyad, and Abbasid caliphates
Sharia law and its implementation in historical Islamic states
Principles of justice, equality, and governance in Islam
Module 5: Islamic Ethics and Morality

5.1. Islamic Ethics

Moral teachings in the Quran and Sunnah
Virtues such as honesty, kindness, humility, and patience
Prohibition of vices such as lying, cheating, and injustice
5.2. Social Justice in Islam

Rights of individuals, minorities, and marginalized groups in Islam
Zakat and its role in poverty alleviation and social welfare
Islamic principles of fairness, compassion, and community support
Module 6: Contemporary Issues in Islam

6.1. Modern Challenges and Responses

Islamic perspective on technology, globalization, and social media
Addressing extremism, terrorism, and radicalization
Role of Muslim scholars in contemporary issues
6.2. Women in Islam

Rights and status of women in Islam
Misconceptions about women’s roles in Islamic societies
Empowerment and education of women in Islamic teachings
Module 7: Islamic Finance and Economics

7.1. Principles of Islamic Finance

Prohibition of interest (riba) in Islam
Concepts of halal (permissible) and haram (prohibited) in economic transactions
Islamic banking, investments, and insurance (Takaful)
7.2. Zakat and Charity

Significance of Zakat in economic redistribution
Other forms of charity (Sadaqah) and their impact
Social welfare programs and poverty alleviation in Islamic societies
Module 8: Islamic Culture and Arts

8.1. Islamic Art and Architecture

Elements of Islamic art (calligraphy, geometric patterns, arabesque)
Historical mosques, palaces, and monuments
Influence of Islamic art on global culture
8.2. Islamic Literature and Poetry

Classical Islamic literature (Arabic poetry, literature of Muslim scholars)
Influence of Islamic literature on world literature
Contemporary Islamic literature and its themes
Module 9: Islamic Education and Scholarship

9.1. Islamic Education System

Importance of education in Islam
Traditional Islamic education (Madrasah system, Quranic schools)
Modern Islamic education institutions and programs
9.2. Scholars and Intellectual Traditions

Contributions of Muslim scholars in various fields
Famous Islamic scholars and their works
Promoting critical thinking and scholarship in Islamic studies

Admission Open for this course 
Contact Number: 03307615544

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