Admission Open

Computer Networks Course in Mianwali

Computer Networks Course Outline
I. Introduction to Computer Networks
Overview of Computer Networks

Definition and importance of computer networks
Historical development and evolution of networking technologies
Types of networks (LAN, WAN, MAN, PAN)
Network Architecture

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model
TCP/IP protocol suite
Comparison of OSI and TCP/IP models
Network Topologies and Protocols

Physical and logical topologies (bus, star, mesh, ring)
Network protocols (Ethernet, IP, TCP, UDP)
II. Network Layers and Protocols
Physical Layer

Basics of transmission media (copper, fiber, wireless)
Analog and digital transmission
Modulation and multiplexing techniques
Data Link Layer

Framing and error detection/correction
Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols (CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA)
Ethernet standards and protocols (IEEE 802.3)
Network Layer

Routing algorithms (distance vector, link state)
IP addressing and subnetting
IPv4 vs. IPv6
Transport Layer

Services provided (reliability, flow control, error correction)
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol)
Congestion control algorithms
Session, Presentation, and Application Layers

Session establishment and termination
Data representation and encryption (SSL/TLS)
Application layer protocols (HTTP, FTP, DNS, SMTP)
III. Network Technologies and Protocols
Local Area Networks (LANs)

Ethernet standards and variants (Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet)
Wireless LANs (Wi-Fi standards – 802.11a/b/g/n/ac)
VLANs (Virtual LANs) and LAN switching
Wide Area Networks (WANs)

Circuit switching vs. packet switching
Public and private WAN technologies (MPLS, Frame Relay)
Internet infrastructure and backbone networks
Network Security

Threats and vulnerabilities
Cryptography and encryption algorithms
Firewalls, IDS/IPS, VPNs
IV. Network Management and Performance
Network Management Protocols

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
Network monitoring and troubleshooting tools
Configuration management and network planning
Quality of Service (QoS)

Traffic shaping and prioritization
QoS metrics (throughput, latency, jitter)
DiffServ and IntServ models
V. Wireless and Mobile Networking
Wireless Technologies

Cellular networks (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G)
Bluetooth, Zigbee, NFC
Wireless sensor networks (WSN)
Mobile IP and Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs)

Mobile IP addressing and routing
Ad hoc routing protocols (AODV, DSR)
Challenges and solutions in mobile networking
VI. Emerging Technologies
Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT architecture and communication protocols
IoT applications in smart homes, healthcare, industry
Software-Defined Networking (SDN)

SDN architecture and components
OpenFlow protocol and SDN controllers
Virtualization and network slicing
VII. Case Studies and Applications
Real-world Network Deployments
Case studies of network design and implementation
Challenges and solutions in large-scale networks
VIII. Practical Applications and Projects
Hands-On Labs and Simulations

Configuration and testing of network devices
Packet analysis using tools like Wireshark
Setting up virtual networks and emulating scenarios
Capstone Project

Designing and implementing a network solution for a specific scenario
Project presentation and evaluation
IX. Ethical and Societal Issues
Network Privacy and Security
Ethical considerations in network management
Legal regulations (GDPR, HIPAA) and compliance
X. Future Trends in Networking
Emerging Technologies
6G and beyond
Edge computing and network function virtualization
Blockchain and its impact on networking
XI. Further Learning Resources
Books and Online Courses

Recommended readings
Online platforms for further learning (Coursera, edX, Udemy)
Practice Websites and Labs

Cisco Networking Academy resources
Virtualization platforms (GNS3, Packet Tracer)
Community Support and Forums

Networking communities (Cisco DevNet, Reddit networking)

Admission Open for this course
Contact Number: 03307615544

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