Admission Open

Intro to Computer Programming Course in Mianwali

Module 1: Introduction to Programming Concepts

Overview of Programming

Definition and importance of programming
Brief history of programming languages
Applications and impact of programming in various fields
Basic Programming Concepts

Algorithms and flowcharts
Understanding compilers and interpreters
Syntax and semantics of programming languages
Getting Started with a Programming Environment

Setting up the programming environment (e.g., Python, Java)
Writing and running your first program
Basic input and output operations
Lab Activities

Installing and configuring a programming environment
Writing and executing simple programs
Practicing basic input/output operations
Module 2: Data Types and Variables

Understanding Data Types

Primitive data types (integers, floats, characters, booleans)
Compound data types (strings, lists/arrays, dictionaries)
Type conversion and casting
Variables and Constants

Declaring and initializing variables
Variable naming conventions
Understanding and using constants
Basic Operators

Arithmetic operators
Relational and logical operators
Assignment operators
Lab Activities

Declaring and using variables in programs
Performing operations with different data types
Writing programs using arithmetic and logical operations
Module 3: Control Structures

Conditional Statements

Understanding if, else-if, and else statements
Nested conditional statements
Practical examples of conditional logic

Introduction to loops: for and while loops
Nested loops
Loop control statements: break and continue
Boolean Logic

Understanding boolean expressions
Combining conditions using logical operators
Practical applications of boolean logic
Lab Activities

Writing programs with conditional statements
Creating programs with loops for repetitive tasks
Implementing nested loops and boolean logic in programs
Module 4: Functions and Modular Programming

Introduction to Functions

Definition and purpose of functions
Function declaration and definition
Function parameters and return values
Modular Programming

Importance of modularity in programming
Creating and using function libraries
Scope and lifetime of variables
Recursive Functions

Understanding recursion
Writing recursive functions
Examples and applications of recursion
Lab Activities

Defining and calling functions in programs
Creating modular programs with multiple functions
Implementing and testing recursive functions
Module 5: Data Structures

Arrays and Lists

Declaring and initializing arrays/lists
Accessing and modifying elements
Common operations on arrays/lists

String declaration and manipulation
Common string functions and methods
Working with multi-line strings
Dictionaries and Hashmaps

Understanding key-value pairs
Declaring and using dictionaries/hashmaps
Common operations on dictionaries
Lab Activities

Manipulating arrays and lists in programs
Writing programs to perform string operations
Implementing and using dictionaries in programs
Module 6: File Handling

Introduction to File Handling

Types of files: text and binary
Opening and closing files
Reading from and writing to files
File Operations

Reading entire files vs. reading line-by-line
Writing data to files
Working with file paths and directories
Error Handling

Understanding exceptions
Using try, except, and finally blocks
Handling common file I/O errors
Lab Activities

Writing programs to read from and write to files
Implementing error handling in file operations
Practicing file manipulation tasks
Module 7: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Introduction to OOP

Principles of object-oriented programming
Classes and objects
Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
Defining Classes

Creating and using classes
Constructors and destructors
Attributes and methods
Advanced OOP Concepts

Method overloading and overriding
Abstract classes and interfaces
Working with multiple inheritance
Lab Activities

Creating and using classes in programs
Implementing inheritance and polymorphism
Writing programs using advanced OOP concepts
Module 8: Debugging and Testing

Debugging Techniques

Common programming errors
Using debugging tools and techniques
Reading and interpreting error messages
Writing Test Cases

Importance of testing in software development
Writing and running test cases
Using testing frameworks (e.g., unittest in Python)
Code Review and Refactoring

Importance of code quality and maintainability
Techniques for code review
Refactoring code for improvement
Lab Activities

Debugging programs to identify and fix errors
Writing test cases for functions and programs
Practicing code review and refactoring
Module 9: Capstone Project and Review

Project Planning and Proposal

Choosing a project topic related to programming
Defining project objectives and scope
Developing a project plan and timeline
Implementation and Development

Writing and testing code
Applying programming concepts and techniques
Creating a comprehensive final project (e.g., application, game, tool)
Final Presentation and Evaluation

Preparing a project presentation
Demonstrating findings and skills learned
Receiving and incorporating feedback
Review and Reflection

Reviewing key concepts from the course
Identifying areas for further study and improvement
Reflecting on the learning experience
Lab Activities

Developing a project proposal and plan
Working on the final project
Preparing and delivering the final presentation

Admission Open for this course 
Contact Number: 03307615544

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