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Kubernetes course in Mianwali

Course Overview:

The Kubernetes course covers the core concepts, components, and best practices for deploying and managing applications with Kubernetes. It is designed for IT professionals, developers, and system administrators who want to learn how to effectively use Kubernetes to manage containerized applications.

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Kubernetes
    • Overview of container orchestration and Kubernetes
    • Understanding Kubernetes architecture and components
    • Benefits and use cases of Kubernetes
  2. Getting Started with Kubernetes
    • Installing Kubernetes on different environments (minikube, kubeadm, managed Kubernetes services like GKE, EKS, AKS)
    • Navigating Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) and dashboard
    • Understanding Kubernetes clusters, nodes, and pods
  3. Kubernetes Architecture
    • Detailed overview of Kubernetes components (API server, controller manager, scheduler, etcd, kubelet, kube-proxy)
    • Understanding the master and worker node roles
    • Networking and communication within a Kubernetes cluster
  4. Deploying Applications
    • Creating and managing Kubernetes deployments
    • Understanding and using ReplicaSets and Pods
    • Configuring application scaling and rolling updates
    • Managing application lifecycle with Kubernetes
  5. Service Discovery and Networking
    • Configuring and managing Kubernetes Services (ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer, Ingress)
    • Understanding network policies and DNS in Kubernetes
    • Implementing service discovery and load balancing
  6. Persistent Storage
    • Configuring and managing persistent storage with Kubernetes Volumes and Persistent Volumes (PV)
    • Using Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) and Storage Classes
    • Integrating with cloud storage providers and network storage solutions
  7. Configuration Management
    • Managing configuration data with ConfigMaps and Secrets
    • Using Kubernetes for application configuration and secrets management
    • Implementing environment-specific configurations
  8. Security Best Practices
    • Implementing security best practices in Kubernetes clusters
    • Managing user roles and access control with Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
    • Securing communication and protecting sensitive data
    • Using Network Policies and Security Contexts
  9. Monitoring and Logging
    • Monitoring Kubernetes clusters and applications
    • Using monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana
    • Implementing centralized logging with tools like ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) or Fluentd
    • Analyzing logs and metrics for performance tuning and troubleshooting
  10. Helm and Package Management
    • Introduction to Helm and its role in Kubernetes
    • Using Helm to manage Kubernetes applications
    • Creating and managing Helm charts
    • Installing, upgrading, and managing Helm releases
  11. CI/CD Integration
    • Integrating Kubernetes with continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
    • Using Kubernetes in CI/CD workflows
    • Automating application deployment and updates with tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, or Argo CD
  12. Advanced Topics
    • Implementing Kubernetes Operators and Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
    • Managing multi-cluster and hybrid cloud environments
    • Using Kubernetes with serverless frameworks and edge computing
  13. Backup and Disaster Recovery
    • Implementing backup solutions for Kubernetes clusters and applications
    • Managing disaster recovery and failover strategies
    • Planning and executing cluster recovery operations
  14. Troubleshooting and Support
    • Common issues and troubleshooting techniques for Kubernetes
    • Using diagnostic tools and logs for problem resolution
    • Accessing Kubernetes documentation, community forums, and professional support
  15. Final Assessment and Certification
    • Review of course content and key concepts
    • Practical assessment or project involving Kubernetes cluster management
    • Certification options and obtaining credentials (e.g., Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD))

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