Admission Open

Web Development Course in Mianwali

Web Development Course Outline
I. Introduction to Web Development
Overview of Web Development

Definition and importance of web development
Evolution of web technologies and standards
Frontend vs. backend development
Basic Web Technologies

Client-server architecture
HTTP and HTTPS protocols
Web browsers and rendering engines
Development Environment Setup

Text editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)
Version control systems (Git) and collaborative tools
II. Frontend Development
HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

Structure and semantics
HTML5 features and APIs
Accessibility considerations (ARIA roles)
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)

Styling basics (selectors, properties, values)
CSS3 features (flexbox, grid layout)
Responsive web design and media queries
JavaScript (JS)

Introduction to JavaScript
DOM manipulation and event handling
ES6+ features (arrow functions, modules)
Frontend Frameworks and Libraries

Introduction to popular frameworks (React, Vue.js, Angular)
Component-based architecture
State management (Redux, Vuex)
Web Performance Optimization

Minification and bundling
Lazy loading and code splitting
Performance auditing tools (Lighthouse, WebPageTest)
III. Backend Development
Server-side Scripting

Introduction to server-side programming languages (Node.js, Python, PHP)
Backend frameworks (Express.js, Django, Laravel)
Database Management

Relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
NoSQL databases (MongoDB, Firebase)
Data modeling and querying
Authentication and Authorization

User authentication methods (JWT, OAuth)
Role-based access control (RBAC)
Security best practices (encryption, HTTPS)
Server Deployment and Management

Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
Containerization (Docker, Kubernetes)
Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
IV. Full Stack Development
Integration of Frontend and Backend

Creating RESTful APIs
Consuming APIs in frontend frameworks
Handling data flow and state synchronization
Version Control and Collaboration

Git workflow (branches, merges, pull requests)
Collaborative development tools (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)
V. Web Security
Common Web Security Threats

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
SQL Injection, Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks
Best practices for secure coding and data protection
Securing Web Applications

Input validation and sanitization
HTTPS and SSL/TLS certificates
Security headers and Content Security Policy (CSP)
VI. Web Development Tools and Techniques
Frontend Development Tools

Package managers (npm, yarn)
CSS preprocessors (Sass, Less)
Task runners and build tools (Webpack, Gulp)
Testing and Debugging

Unit testing (Jest, Mocha)
Browser developer tools
Debugging techniques and strategies
Performance Monitoring and Optimization

Website analytics (Google Analytics)
Performance metrics and tools
A/B testing and user experience (UX) optimization
VII. Responsive Web Design and Accessibility
Responsive Design Principles

Fluid grids and flexible layouts
Media queries and viewport settings
Responsive images and videos
Accessibility Standards

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)
Semantic HTML and ARIA roles
Accessibility testing tools (axe, Wave)
VIII. Web Development Best Practices
Code Quality and Maintenance

Code reviews and coding standards
Documentation practices (API docs, README files)
Refactoring and optimizing code
Project Management

Agile methodologies (Scrum, Kanban)
Task tracking and project planning tools (Jira, Trello)
Collaboration and communication strategies
IX. Emerging Trends in Web Development
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

Characteristics and benefits
Offline capabilities and push notifications
Service workers and app manifest
Single Page Applications (SPAs)

SPA architecture and advantages
Routing and state management in SPAs
SEO considerations for SPAs
X. Practical Applications and Projects
Hands-On Labs and Assignments

Building frontend interfaces (e.g., forms, interactive components)
Developing backend APIs and database interactions
Integrating frontend and backend components
Capstone Project

Real-world web application development
Designing, implementing, and deploying a complete web project
Project presentation and evaluation
XI. Ethical and Societal Implications
Web Ethics and Responsibilities
Privacy concerns and data protection
Intellectual property rights and licensing
Ethical considerations in web design and development

Admission Open for this course
Contact Number: 03307615544

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