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C# course in Mianwali

Introduction to C#

History and evolution of C#
Setting up the C# development environment (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code)
Basics of a C# program (syntax, compilation process)
Basic Syntax and Data Types

Variables and constants
Data types (int, float, double, char, string, etc.)
Operators (arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise)
Control Flow

Conditional statements (if, switch)
Loops (for, while, do-while, foreach)

Defining and calling methods
Method parameters and return types
Method overloading
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Classes and objects
Constructors and destructors
Inheritance and polymorphism
Interfaces and abstract classes
Encapsulation and abstraction
Advanced C# Concepts

Delegates and events
Lambda expressions
LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
Asynchronous programming (async and await)
Exception handling (try, catch, finally)
Collections and Generics

Collections (List, Dictionary, HashSet, etc.)
Iterators and enumerators
Generics (generic methods, generic classes)
File I/O and Serialization

Reading and writing files
Working with streams
Serialization and deserialization (JSON, XML)
.NET Framework and .NET Core

Overview of .NET framework and .NET Core
Building and running .NET applications
Understanding the Common Language Runtime (CLR) and the Base Class Library (BCL)
Developing Applications with C#

Windows Forms and WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) for desktop applications
ASP.NET Core for web applications
Xamarin for mobile applications
Project Work

Capstone project to apply learned concepts
Real-world problem-solving scenarios
Detailed Course Content
1. Introduction to C#
History and Evolution: Understanding the origin of C#, its development over time, and its current version.
Development Environment: Installing and setting up Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code, writing the first C# program.
2. Basic Syntax and Data Types
Variables and Constants: Declaration, initialization, scope, and lifetime.
Data Types: Primitive types, reference types, value types, nullable types.
Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical, bitwise operators, operator precedence.
3. Control Flow
Conditional Statements: Using if-else, switch-case for decision making.
Loops: For, while, do-while, and foreach loops for iteration.
4. Methods
Method Definition and Call: Syntax, scope, and lifetime of methods.
Parameters and Return Types: Passing by value, reference, and out parameters.
Method Overloading: Creating multiple methods with the same name but different parameters.
Recursion: Solving problems using recursive methods.
5. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and Objects: Defining classes, creating objects, understanding the object lifecycle.
Constructors and Destructors: Initialization and cleanup of objects.
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Base and derived classes, method overriding, virtual methods.
Interfaces and Abstract Classes: Defining and implementing interfaces, abstract methods, and classes.
Encapsulation and Abstraction: Data hiding and abstracting implementation details.
6. Advanced C# Concepts
Delegates and Events: Creating and using delegates, defining and handling events.
Lambda Expressions: Using lambda expressions for concise function definitions.
LINQ: Querying collections using Language Integrated Query.
Asynchronous Programming: Writing asynchronous code using async and await.
Exception Handling: Writing robust code using try-catch-finally blocks.
7. Collections and Generics
Collections: Using List, Dictionary, HashSet, Queue, Stack, etc.
Iterators and Enumerators: Accessing elements in collections.
Generics: Creating and using generic methods and classes.
8. File I/O and Serialization
File I/O: Reading from and writing to files using System.IO namespace.
Working with Streams: Using FileStream, StreamReader, StreamWriter.
Serialization: Serializing and deserializing objects to and from JSON and XML formats.
9. .NET Framework and .NET Core
Overview: Understanding the differences and similarities between .NET Framework and .NET Core.
Building Applications: Creating and running console and GUI applications.
CLR and BCL: Understanding the Common Language Runtime and Base Class Library.
10. Developing Applications with C#
Windows Forms and WPF: Building desktop applications with graphical user interfaces.
ASP.NET Core: Developing web applications and RESTful services.
Xamarin: Creating cross-platform mobile applications.
11. Project Work
Capstone Project: Integrating various concepts learned throughout the course into a comprehensive project.
Assignments: Practical tasks and coding exercises to reinforce learning.
Course Format
Lectures: Theoretical explanations of key concepts.
Hands-on Labs: Practical coding sessions to implement learned concepts.
Assignments: Regular tasks to apply and reinforce learning.
Projects: Real-world projects to build practical experience.
Quizzes and Exams: Periodic assessments to gauge understanding and retention.
Basic knowledge of programming concepts.
Familiarity with another programming language (optional but helpful).
Enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
Career Opportunities
Completing a C# course can open doors to various career opportunities, such as:

C# Developer
Software Engineer
Web Developer
Mobile App Developer
Game Developer
Desktop Application Develope

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