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Computer Organization & Assembly Course in Mianwali

Course Title: Computer Organization & Assembly Language

Course Overview:
Computer Organization & Assembly Language introduces students to the fundamental concepts of computer architecture, digital logic design, and assembly language programming. Students will learn about the structure and operation of computer systems, memory hierarchies, processor architecture, and low-level programming using assembly language. The course combines theoretical knowledge with practical exercises and programming assignments.

Course Objectives:

Understand the organization and components of computer systems.
Learn about digital logic design principles and circuits.
Study the architecture of processors and memory systems.
Gain proficiency in low-level programming using assembly language.
Explore computer system performance and optimization techniques.
Develop problem-solving skills through hands-on projects and simulations.
Course Outline:

Introduction to Computer Organization

Overview of computer architecture and organization
Von Neumann architecture vs. Harvard architecture
CPU components (ALU, registers, control unit)
Digital Logic Fundamentals

Boolean algebra and logic gates
Combinational and sequential circuits
Flip-flops, registers, and counters
Memory Systems

Memory hierarchy (cache, main memory, secondary storage)
Cache memory organization (associativity, replacement policies)
Virtual memory concepts
Processor Architecture

Instruction set architecture (ISA) and machine language
CPU operation (fetch-execute cycle)
Pipeline architecture and hazards
Assembly Language Programming

Introduction to assembly language and mnemonics
Data movement and arithmetic instructions
Control flow instructions (branching, loops)
Procedures and parameter passing
Input/Output Systems

I/O interfaces and devices
Polling vs. interrupts
Device drivers and I/O programming
Computer System Performance

Performance metrics (speed, throughput, latency)
Bottlenecks and optimization strategies
Performance evaluation and benchmarking
Computer Architecture Simulations

Simulating computer architectures using software tools (e.g., Logisim, MARS)
Designing and testing digital circuits and processor components
Performance analysis through simulations
Project Work and Programming Assignments

Programming in assembly language (e.g., MIPS, x86)
Implementing algorithms and data structures in assembly
Hardware simulation projects and performance analysis
Assessment Methods:

Programming assignments and projects in assembly language.
Digital logic design simulations and circuit implementations.
Quizzes and exams covering computer organization concepts.
Performance analysis reports and optimizations.
Participation in discussions, demonstrations, and problem-solving sessions.

“Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface” by David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy

“Assembly Language for x86 Processors” by Kip R. Irvine
Online resources and tutorials on digital logic design, assembly programming, and computer architecture

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