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Google Docs course in Mianwali

Basic Level
Introduction to Google Docs

Understanding the Google Docs interface
Navigating through the main menu and toolbar
Creating, opening, and saving documents
Document Creation and Editing

Entering and formatting text
Using basic formatting tools (bold, italics, underline)
Adjusting paragraph alignment, line spacing, and indentation
Working with Lists and Tables

Creating and formatting bullet and numbered lists
Inserting and formatting tables
Adjusting table properties and cell formatting
Inserting Elements

Adding images, links, and drawings
Inserting and formatting charts and diagrams
Using special characters and equations
Intermediate Level
Advanced Formatting

Using styles and headings for consistent formatting
Creating and updating a table of contents
Using columns and page breaks
Collaboration and Sharing

Sharing documents with others
Setting permissions for collaborators (view, comment, edit)
Using comments and suggestions for feedback
Templates and Document Design

Using and customizing templates
Designing professional-looking documents
Creating and saving custom templates
Integrating with Other Google Services

Embedding content from Google Sheets, Slides, and Forms
Linking and updating data from other Google apps
Using Google Drive for document management
Advanced Level
Advanced Document Features

Using bookmarks and internal links for navigation
Creating and managing footnotes and endnotes
Working with citations and bibliographies
Macros and Automation

Recording and running macros in Google Docs
Automating repetitive tasks with macros
Using Google Apps Script for advanced automation
Collaboration Tools

Using version history to track changes
Comparing document versions
Real-time collaboration and chat within documents
Customization and Add-ons

Installing and managing Google Docs add-ons
Customizing the Docs interface
Using advanced add-ons for enhanced functionality
Specialized Topics
Google Docs for Business

Creating business documents (reports, proposals, contracts)
Using Docs for project management and collaboration
Integrating Docs with other business tools (CRM, ERP)
Educational Use of Google Docs

Creating and sharing educational materials
Collaborating on group projects and assignments
Using Docs for grading and feedback
Advanced Document Design

Designing newsletters and brochures
Creating interactive documents and forms
Using advanced layout and design tools
Security and Compliance

Managing document security and privacy settings
Understanding data protection and compliance requirements
Using Google Docs in secure environments

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