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Java course in Mianwali

Introduction to Java

History and evolution of Java
Features and benefits of Java
Setting up the Java development environment (JDK, IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, etc.)
Basic Java Syntax

Data types and variables
Operators and expressions
Control flow statements (if-else, switch, loops)
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Classes and objects
Methods and constructors
Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction
Interfaces and abstract classes
Core Java APIs

String manipulation
Collections framework (List, Set, Map)
Exception handling
Input/Output (I/O) streams
Date and time API
Advanced Java Concepts

Multithreading and concurrency
Networking (sockets, URL handling)
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
Java Development Tools and Best Practices

Debugging and testing Java applications (JUnit, TestNG)
Build tools (Maven, Gradle)
Version control (Git)
Code style and best practices
Java Frameworks and Libraries

Introduction to Java EE (Enterprise Edition)
Spring Framework (Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data)
Hibernate ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)
JavaFX for building GUI applications
Web Development with Java

Servlets and JSP (JavaServer Pages)
RESTful web services
Introduction to web frameworks (Spring MVC, JSF)
Project Work

Capstone project or hands-on assignments to apply learned concepts
Real-world problem-solving scenarios
Detailed Course Content
1. Introduction to Java
History and Evolution: Understanding the origin of Java, its development over time, and its current version.
Java Features: Discussing key features like platform independence, robustness, security, and performance.
Development Environment: Installing JDK, setting up IDEs, and writing the first Java program.
2. Basic Java Syntax
Variables and Data Types: Primitive types (int, char, double, etc.) and reference types.
Operators: Arithmetic, relational, logical, and bitwise operators.
Control Structures: Conditional statements (if, switch) and loops (for, while, do-while).
3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and Objects: Defining classes, creating objects, and understanding object lifecycle.
Methods: Method definition, invocation, and method overloading.
Inheritance: Single and multilevel inheritance, method overriding.
Polymorphism: Compile-time and runtime polymorphism.
Encapsulation and Abstraction: Data hiding and abstraction mechanisms.
Interfaces and Abstract Classes: Defining and implementing interfaces, abstract methods, and classes.
4. Core Java APIs
Strings: String manipulation, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer.
Collections: Lists, sets, maps, and their implementations (ArrayList, HashSet, HashMap, etc.).
Exception Handling: Try-catch blocks, throw, throws, and custom exceptions.
I/O Streams: Reading and writing files using InputStream and OutputStream classes.
Date and Time: Using the java.time package for date and time manipulation.
5. Advanced Java Concepts
Generics: Defining and using generic classes and methods.
Multithreading: Creating and managing threads, synchronization, and concurrency utilities.
Networking: Working with sockets, URLs, and networking protocols.
JDBC: Database connectivity, executing SQL queries, and handling result sets.
6. Development Tools and Best Practices
Debugging and Testing: Using IDE debugging tools, writing unit tests with JUnit and TestNG.
Build Tools: Automating builds with Maven and Gradle.
Version Control: Basics of Git, branching, merging, and repository management.
Best Practices: Writing clean, maintainable code, design patterns, and code review techniques.
7. Java Frameworks and Libraries
Java EE: Overview of enterprise Java, components like EJB, JPA, and JMS.
Spring Framework: Dependency injection, Spring Boot for rapid development, Spring MVC for web applications, Spring Data for database access.
Hibernate: ORM concepts, mapping classes to database tables, querying with HQL.
8. Web Development with Java
Servlets and JSP: Building dynamic web applications, understanding the servlet lifecycle, JSP syntax and directives.
RESTful Web Services: Creating REST APIs, handling JSON and XML data, using frameworks like Jersey and Spring MVC.
Web Frameworks: Overview of popular web frameworks, basic concepts of JSF, Struts.
9. Project Work
Capstone Project: A comprehensive project that integrates various concepts learned during the course.
Assignments: Practical tasks and coding exercises to reinforce learning and application.
Course Format
Lectures: Theoretical explanations of key concepts.
Hands-on Labs: Practical coding sessions to implement learned concepts.
Assignments: Regular tasks to apply and reinforce learning.
Projects: Real-world projects to build practical experience.
Quizzes and Exams: Periodic assessments to gauge understanding and retention.
Basic knowledge of programming concepts.
Familiarity with another programming language (optional but helpful).
Enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
Career Opportunities
Completing a Java course can open doors to various career opportunities, such as:

Java Developer
Software Engineer
Web Developer
Mobile App Developer (Android)
Backend Developer
Full-stack Developer

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