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Ruby course in Mianwali

Course Overview
Introduction to Ruby

History and evolution of Ruby
Setting up the Ruby development environment (installation, IRB, editors/IDEs)
Basics of a Ruby program (syntax, running scripts)
Basic Syntax and Data Types

Variables and constants
Data types (strings, numbers, symbols, arrays, hashes)
Operators (arithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment)
Control Structures

Conditional statements (if, unless, case-when)
Loops (while, until, for, each)
Iterators and blocks

Defining and calling methods
Method parameters and return values
Yielding to blocks
Variable scope and visibility (local, instance, class variables)
Working with Collections

Arrays and array methods
Hashes and hash methods
Iteration techniques (each, map, select, reject)
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Classes and objects
Constructors and instance methods
Inheritance and polymorphism
Modules and mixins
Access control (public, private, protected)
Advanced Ruby Concepts

Exceptions and error handling
File I/O (reading and writing files)
Regular expressions
Duck typing and dynamic typing
Ruby on Rails (Optional)

Introduction to Rails framework
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
Creating a basic Rails application
Routing, controllers, views, and models
Database migrations and associations
Testing in Ruby

Writing and running tests with RSpec
Test-driven development (TDD)
Mocking and stubbing
Project Work

Capstone project to apply learned concepts
Real-world problem-solving scenarios
Detailed Course Content
1. Introduction to Ruby
History and Evolution: Understanding the origin and philosophy of Ruby.
Development Environment: Installing Ruby, using Interactive Ruby (IRB), setting up editors/IDEs.
Ruby Basics: Writing and running simple Ruby scripts.
2. Basic Syntax and Data Types
Variables and Constants: Declaration, initialization, and scope.
Data Types: Strings, numbers, symbols, arrays, hashes.
Operators: Arithmetic, comparison, logical, assignment operators.
3. Control Structures
Conditional Statements: if, unless, case-when for decision making.
Loops: while, until, for, each loops for iteration.
Iterators and Blocks: Using blocks with iterators.
4. Methods
Method Definition and Call: Syntax, scope, and lifetime of methods.
Parameters and Return Values: Passing arguments and returning values.
Yielding to Blocks: Using yield within methods.
Variable Scope: Local, instance, and class variables.
5. Working with Collections
Arrays: Creating, accessing, and manipulating arrays.
Hashes: Creating, accessing, and manipulating hashes.
Iteration Techniques: Using each, map, select, reject for collections.
6. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and Objects: Defining classes, creating objects.
Constructors and Instance Methods: Initialization and defining methods.
Inheritance and Polymorphism: Extending classes and method overriding.
Modules and Mixins: Including modules in classes.
Access Control: Public, private, and protected methods.
7. Advanced Ruby Concepts
Exceptions and Error Handling: Using begin-rescue blocks.
File I/O: Reading from and writing to files.
Regular Expressions: Pattern matching and string manipulation.
Metaprogramming: Writing code that writes code.
Duck Typing and Dynamic Typing: Flexibility in method handling.
8. Ruby on Rails (Optional)
Introduction to Rails: Overview of the Rails framework.
MVC Architecture: Understanding Model-View-Controller pattern.
Creating a Basic Rails Application: Setting up a new Rails project.
Routing, Controllers, Views, Models: Building the core components of a Rails app.
Database Migrations and Associations: Managing database schema and relationships.
9. Testing in Ruby
RSpec: Writing and running tests with RSpec.
Test-Driven Development (TDD): Developing code with a test-first approach.
Mocking and Stubbing: Isolating tests with mock objects and stubs.
10. Project Work
Capstone Project: Integrating various concepts into a comprehensive project.
Assignments: Practical tasks and coding exercises to reinforce learning.
Course Format
Lectures: Theoretical explanations of key concepts.
Hands-on Labs: Practical coding sessions to implement learned concepts.
Assignments: Regular tasks to apply and reinforce learning.
Projects: Real-world projects to build practical experience.
Quizzes and Exams: Periodic assessments to gauge understanding and retention.
Basic knowledge of programming concepts.
Familiarity with another programming language (optional but helpful).
Enthusiasm and willingness to learn.
Career Opportunities
Completing a Ruby course can open doors to various career opportunities, such as:

Ruby Developer
Full-Stack Developer
Web Developer
Backend Developer
Rails Developer

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